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AKJ Energiteknik to supply boiler plants to Gothenburg and Kiruna

AKJ Energiteknik to supply boiler plants to Gothenburg and Kiruna
An AKJ Energiteknik turnkey biomass boiler plant is ready for shipping in the workshop in Karlstad. Up to 4 MW per module can be supplied using conventional road transportation (photo courtesy AKJ Energiteknik).

In Sweden, AKJ Energiteknik AB, a specialist thermal energy solutions provider has recently signed agreements to supply biomass-fired reserve- and peak-load boiler plants for district heating networks in Gothenburg and Kiruna respectively.

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Based in Karlstad, AKJ Energiteknik is a leading Swedish contractor specializing in customer-specific biomass-fired thermal oil, water, and steam boiler plants for commercial, industrial- and municipal applications.

Bio-oil-fired units to Gothenburg

集中供热网络哥德堡,正义与发展党J Energiteknik will supply two 10 MW bio-oil-fired heat plant units that will replace fossil gas that is currently being used.

These will be prefabricated in Karlstad within the maximum dimensions permissible for road transport without the need for a special escort. Both boilers will use sustainable bio-oils of mixed fatty acid (MFA) type, residuals from pharmaceutical, oleochemicals, and biodiesel production.

The combustion equipment is a low NOx design with rotary burners. The bio-oil is supplied under low pressure to the inside of a rotating cup which atomizes the oil into a mist while combustion air is supplied in several stages.

Each boiler will come equipped with an electro-filter as per the Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) Directive since the boilers might be used for more than 500 hours per annum.

The contract includes fuel handling- and storage – two 80 m3insulated oil tanks and one 50 m3reserve – two hot water boilers, oil burners with gas starters, boiler housing, electro-filters, flue-stacks, along with all electrics, and ancillaries such as pumps, automation, and control.

Pellet-fired units to Kiruna

In a separate agreement, AKJ Energiteknik will supply two prefabricated wood pellet-fired boiler plants to Kiruna also for reserve- and peak load power. The city of Kiruna is undergoing extensive urban transformation and translocation due to the expanding mining industry.

At the same time, the energy system is being changed as part of a larger green transition with the goal that Kiruna will be climate-neutral by 2025.

The existing waste and fossil oil boilers are to be replaced while waste heat from LKAB’s iron ore processing will be the main heat source.

The process generates large amounts of excess heat in the chemical reaction that occurs when magnetite oxidizes to hematite, after which the iron ore concentrate is pelletized into transportable ore pellets.

The two new 5 MW pellet boiler plants will function as peak and reserve load boilers during the coldest months and as a supplement to the waste heat.

The boiler units will be supplied as prefabricated module-based boiler central, so-called transportable boiler central (TPC). These modular heat plants are prefabricated in the workshop and made to the maximum size so that they can be transported by road without a special escort.

The combustion equipment will utilize AKJ’s combustion system with a water-cooled moving grate system for pellets and is optimized to maximize operational availability and control range.

The contract includes planning, manufacturing, assembly, and commissioning of complete boiler plants with fuel handling, incinerator, boiler, flue gas cleaning with electric filter, mechanical, piping, and electrical installations and control systems.

An abridged version of this article was first published inBioenergy International no. 1-2023.Note that as a magazine subscriber, you get access to the e-magazine and articles like this before the print edition reaches your desk!

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