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BIOGEST France inaugurates Congrier biomethane plant

BIOGEST France inaugurates Congrier biomethane plant
Held on September 15, 2023, the inauguration was officiated by all project participants and invited parties (photo courtesy BIOGEST).

BIOGEST France, a subsidiary of Austria-headed biogas technology providers Biogest Energie- und Wassertechnik GmbH (BIOGEST) has held an official inauguration ceremony of a new biomethane-to-grid plant in France.

位于Congrier,厌氧消化(广告)facility has the capacity to process over 32,000 tonnes of waste annually.

With an output of 135 Nm3per hour, the BIOGEST PowerRing biogas upgrading unit provides biomethane (aka renewable natural gas – RNG) for injection into the local distribution gas network.

We are thrilled with the successful inauguration of the biomethane plant in Congrier, and we are grateful to have BIOGEST France by our side every step of the way, as we quickly reached cruising speed for the plant, said Benoit Dutertre, CS Biogaz, the owner and operator of the facility.

An aerial view of the CS Biogaz plant in Congrier, France (photo courtesy M. Lebihan bsvl).

The feedstock consisting of over 32,000 tonnes of cattle and horse manure and slurry per year is supplied by nine farms with an average distance of five km to the plant.

The short supply routes help to keep the impact on the environment low and make the biomethane plant particularly easy to operate.

In addition, the farmers are producing organic fertilizer simultaneously, which is returned to the farm’s fields.

We take immense pride in the successful inauguration of our latest biomethane installation in Congrier, marking another significant milestone for BIOGEST France. Witnessing the tangible results of our collaborative efforts, from project development to construction, fills me with great satisfaction and reinforces our dedication to driving positive change in our green gas sector. This achievement shows the expertise and diligence of our team, as well as the strong partnerships we forge with visionary clients, said Daniel Bauer, Managing Director of BIOGEST France.

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