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Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Petrobras signs agreement on biofuels

Petrobras signs agreement on biofuels
Located in the Mataripe district in São Francisco do Conde, Bahia (BA), and its logistical assets, in Madre de Deus (BA), the Mataripe Refinery was the first national refinery, starting operations in September 1950. Acquired by Mubadala Capital from Petrobras in 2021, the Mataripe Refinery is the second largest in Brazil with a crude refining capacity in excess of 300,000 barrels per day or approximately 14 percent of the country's refining capacity (photo courtesy Acelen).

Brazilian national oil and gas major Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) has disclosed that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MIC Capital Partners (Brazil Strategic Opportunities), a Multi-strategy Equity Investment Fund of the Mubadala Capital Group, to develop studies covering future business in the downstream segment, with emphasis on evaluating Petrobras' participation in a biorefining project.

Via its operating subsidiary Acelen, Mubadala Capital Group is in the process of developing an integrated biorefinery project at its Mataripe Refinery in Bahia, Brazil focusing on the production of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

This project reinforces Brazil’s role as a strategic supplier of renewable fuels, capitalizing on the country’s abundant natural resources.

Aligned with Strategic Plan

According to Petrobras, the MoU is “aligned with the strategic elements of the 2024-28 Strategic Plan, which aims to prepare Petrobras for a more sustainable future, contributing to the success of the energy transition.”

The initiative of Petrobras’ profitable portfolio diversification will contribute to the plan of reducing operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

巴西国家石油公司重申实现short-t的目标erm targets and its ambition to neutralize emissions in the activities under its control by 2050.

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