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Chester County Solid Waste Authority selects Waga Energy for LFG to RNG project

Chester County Solid Waste Authority selects Waga Energy for LFG to RNG project
The Lanchester Landfill and Reclamation Center (LLARC) site in Narvon, Pennsylvania (photo courtesy Chester County Solid Waste Authority).

France-headed landfill gas (LFG) to renewable natural gas (RNG) technology provider Waga Energy SA, has announced that it has signed a commercial agreement with the Chester County Solid Waste Authority to produce RNG at its Lanchester Landfill and Reclamation Center (LLARC) site, located in Narvon, Pennsylvania (PA) in the United States (US).

According to a statement, the contract was signed on October 4, 2023, following a competitive selection process.

As part of this agreement, Waga Energy will fund the construction of an RNG facility using its patented WAGABOX technology, to upgrade landfill gas (LFG) into pipeline-quality RNG.

Waga Energy will operate the facility for an initial 20-year term, sharing revenues with Chester County Solid Waste Authority, an intergovernmental solid waste management agency that operates the LLARC site.


LLARC垃圾收到约280000吨waste per year. The resulting LFG is already captured to prevent direct methane emissions to the atmosphere.

The WAGABOX unit will process up to 2,000 scfm (3,200 Nm3/h) of LFG to produce over 450,000 MMBtu (130 GWh) of RNG per year.

Once operational, the WAGABOX facility will optimize the energy recovered, providing the local community with clean, local, and renewable energy, using the existing infrastructure.

We are very excited to be working with Waga Energy to upgrade our landfill gas to pipeline-quality RNG, said Robert Watts, Executive Director of Chester County Solid Waste Authority.

This is the sixth landfill gas to RNG upgrading project undertaken by Waga Energy in the United States.

A WAGABOX unit was commissioned last May in Canada, and 17 more are in operation in Europe.

We are honored to have been selected as Chester County Solid Waste Authority’s partner for this project, which will benefit the local community both environmentally and economically. By implementing the best-in-class landfill gas upgrading technology, the LLARC RNG WAGABOX® will reduce greenhouse gas emissions while generating additional revenues said Guénaël Prince, CEO of Waga Energy Inc. (USA).

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