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Vattenfall,SAS,Shell Aviation和Lanzatech宣布,他们将使用Lanzajet“酒精到喷气式飞机”(ATJ)技术在瑞典大规模研究世界上第一个合成的可持续航空燃料(SAF)的生产。与其在生产过程中使用原始化石材料,而是由无化石电力和区域加热(DH)的无化石电力和再生二氧化碳(CO2)生产。

Vattenfall,SAS,Shell Aviation和Lanzatech将共同研究瑞典大规模的Lanzajet“酒精到Jet”技术的世界首次合成可持续航空燃料(SAF)。与其在生产过程中使用原始化石材料,而是由无化石电力和区域加热(DH)的无化石电力和再生二氧化碳(CO2)生产。

According to a joint statement, the goal is that a new production facility will produce up to 50 000 tonnes per annum of synthetic SAF, provided that an investment decision is made at a later stage.


The aviation sector faces incredible challenges getting the volumes of SAF needed for sustainable flight. This project is the start of delivering on these volumes and by reusing carbon dioxide and fossil-free power we have an opportunity for unprecedented scale. We need to rethink carbon and together with fossil-free power, harness it to create a new climate-safe future for all, said Dr Jennifer Holmgren, CEO LanzaTech.


SAS和可持续性齐头并进。这就是为什么我们为成为这个独特项目的一部分而感到非常自豪的原因,雄心勃勃的可持续性目标和议程融合在一起。Our joint commitment in finding ways to enable large-scale production of more sustainable aviation fuel is a fantastic opportunity to accelerate the commercialization of SAF, and thus SAS’s transition towards industry-leading zero-emission flights, said Anko van der Werff, President and CEO, SAS.

的冷杉t plant near Forsmark


该倡议表明,跨行业伙伴关系的潜力推动了难以蓄积部门的脱碳化。更快地进行创新,以便桥接一代人的无化石生活。Vattenfall总裁兼首席执行官Anna Borg说,这是一个非常好的机会,我们将共同探索如何为航空产生低排放的电力电力。

该项目的目的是在瑞典开始生产“ EJET”燃料的生产。两家公司已经签署了一份谅解备忘录(MOU),并同意Vattenfall将调查无化石电力供应,氢生产和CO2回收。

二氧化碳将来自Vattenfallcombined heat and power (CHP) plant in Uppsala,每年可以回收约200万吨二氧化碳。

壳航空会调查燃料生产,物流,并成为EJET燃料购买者。Lanzatech将提供其天然气发酵专业知识,以从输入气流中制造乙醇,双方将许可Lanzajet ATJ技术将乙醇转换为SAF。SAS将作为EJET燃料的潜在最终用户参与。

Sustainable aviation fuel offers the greatest potential to reduce emissions from aviation. It is only by working together today across the aviation ecosystem to drive the technologies and infrastructure needed to produce SAF at a scale that the aviation sector can achieve net-zero by 2050. This is why I am excited for this collaboration to explore one more pathway for SAF production, said Anna Mascolo, President, Shell Aviation.

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