Austria-headed international technology group Andritz AG (ANDRITZ) has announced that it has received an order from Idex, the leading medium-sized energy services company in France, to supply a third waste treatment line to a waste-to-energy (WtE) center in Villers-Saint-Paul, which is operated by Idex.
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根据a statement, the Villers-Saint-Paul center near Paris is one of the largest waste-to-energy centers in France.
This boiler plant extension will increase the center’s capacity in renewable energy production and thus contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the region.
The scope of supply the value of which has not been disclosed, includes the engineering and manufacturing of a vertical boiler with a grate combustion system, assembly of the complete boiler equipment on site, commissioning, and trial-run operation.
The new line will add the capacity to treat 80,000 tonnes of high-calorific waste fuels such as municipal solid waste (MSW) and refuse-derived fuels (RDF) annually. The start-up of the line is scheduled for 2025.
Increase treatment capacity
In total, all three lines combined, the Villers center will thus be able to treat almost 260,000 tonnes of waste per year, providing renewable energy for 13,500 households.
The waste-to-energy center in Villers-Saint-Paul is operated by Idex on behalf of the owner, Syndicat Mixte du Département de l’Oise (SMDO).
Shortly before the current project, Idex had successfully collaborated with ANDRITZ on an EPC project for a complete biomass power plant in French Guiana.
We are pleased that we will once again cooperate with experts from ANDRITZ on such a demanding project. The planned investment will enable consumers to benefit from competitive energy prices, given the development of gas prices in recent years, said Jean-Pierre Lamalle, Director of Major Infrastructure Project Development at Idex.