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Veidekke begins foundation works for Göteborg Energi

Veidekke begins foundation works for Göteborg Energi
An artist's rendering of Göteborg Energi’s biomass power plant (image courtesy Göteborg Energi).

Norway-headed infrastructure- and construction company Veidekke Group has confirmed that its Swedish subsidiary Veidekke Anläggning Väst AB has been selected by Göteborg Energi AB for the ground and concrete work for the new biomass-fired steam boiler at the Rya power plant in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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As recently disclosed Swedish municipal energy company Göteborg Energi is investing SEK 2.53 billion (≈ EUR 217.88 million) in a new plant to produce energy and district heat from renewable and recovered sources by 2025.

Rya cogeneration plant plays an important role in Sweden’s electricity supply. By integrating the new boiler with our existing plant, we gain great flexibility, not least in terms of fuels. With the new facility in place, our system can handle almost all fuels on the market, which is a security for Gothenburg and the citizens of Gothenburg, said Per-Anders Gustafsson, CEO of Göteborg Energi.

The contract form is strategic partnering where planning and production are included. The project is now entering a design phase prior to the start of construction and is expected to be completed in mid-2026.

We thank Göteborg Energi for the trust and look forward to a close and rewarding collaboration. This type of complicated project requires a high degree of collaboration and involvement, which suits us at Veidekke well, said Lars Olsson, work manager at Veidekke Anläggning Väst.


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